Martin van den Berg

Martin van den Berg


Martin van den Berg works as a researcher in the research group Artificial Intelligence. Here he researches “explainable artificial intelligence”. 

Dr. van den Berg holds an MSc in Business Economics and an MSc in Logistics Management, both from Tilburg University. He obtained his PhD from the VU University Amsterdam, on the subject of improving IT decisions with enterprise architecture. His research interests include responsible AI, and specifically explainable AI, and enterprise architecture as a management tool. In 2012 he was awarded the NAF Medal for his outstanding services to the IT architecture community in the Netherlands. He is co-author of various books on enterprise architecture and co-founder of the Dynamic Architecture (DyA) approach. Next to his job as researcher, he is supervisor of master students at the master of Informatics at the HU.

Martin is someone who is open for new developments and constantly tries to develop himself. As a saying “lifelong learning” applies to someone, then it is Martin.


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Explainable AI
  • Enterprise Architecture

