Padualaan 97, Utrecht (PL97)
At Padualaan 97 in Utrecht you can find our education programmes.
Visiting address
Padualaan 97, 3584 CH, Utrecht
Postal address
PO Box 14007, 3508 SB, Utrecht
Opening hours
Mon until Thu 7am-10pm
Fri 7am-7pm
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
Opening hours during Summer break: Monday 1 July until Sunday 1 September (per week)
Week 27: 1 until 7 July
Mon until Thu 8am-10pm
Fri 8am-7pm
Sat and Sun closed
Week 28: 8 until 14 July
Mon until Thu 8am-10pm
Fri 8am-7pm
Sat 8am-1pm
Sun closed
Week 29: 15 until 21 July
Mon until Fri 8am-5pm
Sat and Sun closed
Week 30 until 33: 22 July until 18 August
Week 34 and 35: 19 August until 1 September
Mon until Thu 8am-10pm
Fri 8am-7pm
Sat and Sun closed
Mon. until Thu. 8.15am-8pm
Fri. 8.15am-3.45pm
Sat. 11.30am-1.30pm
Visit our library website for the opening hours and other information.
Institutes / organisational units
- Archimedes Institute
- Institute for Education & Special Educational Needs
- Institute for Sign Language & Deaf Studies
- Research Centre for Learning and Innovation