Are Advisors an Asset or Redundant in SME Mergers and Acquisitions?

Authors Lex van Teeffelen
Publication date 2011
Type Lecture


Paper presented at the RENT XXV conference. The point of this paper is to improve our understanding on the added value of M&A advisors in SMEs, an important segment of the economy and merger industry. To predict the added value of professional advice we contrast two theories: the agency theory and the Resource Based View. The results indicate that the involvement of advisors have no effect on or even increases the obstacles during or after M&A, but positively influences innovations after M&A.

On this publication contributed

  • Lex van Teeffelen
    Lex van Teeffelen
    • Professor
    • Research group: Financial-Economic Advice in Innovation

Language English

Lex van Teeffelen

Lex van Teeffelen

Lex van Teeffelen

  • Professor
  • Research group: Financial-Economic Advice in Innovation