Clinical Manifestation of Depression after Stroke

Authors JM de Man-Van Ginkel, Thóra Hafsteinsdóttir, Eline Lindeman, Mirjam Geerlings, Diederick Grobbee, Marieke Schuurmans
Published in PLoS One
Publication date 4 December 2015
Type Article


Despite ample research on depression after stroke, the debate continues regarding whether symptoms such as sleep disturbances, loss of energy, changes in appetite and diminished concentration should be considered to be consequences of stroke or general symptoms of depression. By comparing symptoms in depressed and non-depressed stroke patients with patients in general practice and patients with symptomatic atherosclerotic diseases, we aim to further clarify similarities and distinctions of depression after stroke and depression in other patient populations. Based on this, it is possible to determine if somatic symptoms should be evaluated in stroke patients in diagnosing depression after stroke. An observational multicenter study is conducted in three hospitals and seven general prac- tices including 382 stroke patients admitted to hospital with a clinical diagnosis of intracere- bral hemorrhage or ischemic infarction, 1160 patients in general practice (PREDICT-NL), and 530 patients with symptomatic atherosclerotic diseases (SMART-Medea).

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Language English
Published in PLoS One
Year and volume 10 12
Key words depressie, ouderen, beroerte
