Combining Performance and Flexibility for RMS with a Hybrid Architecture

Authors Dennis Koole, Arjan Groenewegen, Daniël Telgen, Patrick Wit, Leo van Moergestel, Arjan van Zanten, John-Jules Meyer, Erik Puik, Dick van der Steen, Pascal Muller
Published in Proceedings
Publication date 9 September 2013
Type Lecture


Author supplied Combining Performance and Flexibility for RMS with a Hybrid Architecture Dani¨el Telgen 12? , Leo van Moergestel 1 , Erik Puik 1 , Pascal Muller 1 , Arjan Groenewegen 1 , Dick van der Steen 1 , Dennis Koole 1 , Patrick de Wit 1 , Arjen van Zanten 1 , and John-Jules Meyer 2 1 Department of Micro Systems Technology and Embedded Systems HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht Nijenoord 1, 3552AS Utrecht, The Netherlands Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (RMS) provide a new step for Agile Manufacturing. RMS consist of modular manufacturing systems that can be customized for the latest product demand. There are many research projects concerning RMS. However, not many imple- mentations have made it into industry. The requirements of the control software is an important aspect, which has unique aspects to create max- imum flexibility that becomes very complex for the software to control. To deal with this challenge, the software needs to have high performance and show intelligent properties to create more flexibility. This paper dis- cusses these properties, the basic performance, and it shows how a hy- brid system, using Robot Operating System (ROS), MongoDB, and Java Agent Development Framework (JADE) could be the basis for further development and be made feasible for industrial use

Language English
Published in Proceedings
Key words Agile manufacturing
