Decision factors for outsourcing On-premise Applications of institutions for higher education.

Authors Rik Nijman, Pim Schouten, Pascal Ravesteijn
Published in Journal of Higher education Theiry and practice vol
Publication date 5 July 2019
Research groups Process Innovation and Information Systems
Type Article


In Dutch higher education institutions, IT outsourcing (ITO) is becoming more common. New applications nowadays are executed from the ‘cloud’. But what to do with on premise applications? Can they also be outsourced? If so, what factors does a higher education institution have to consider when making the ITO decision of their on-premise applications? This research starts with finding the factors that are already known in existing ITO literature (in different contexts). Then, these decision factors are validated in four explorative interviews before surveying the factors within a higher education context. In total, fourteen factors are deemed to be important for Dutch higher education institutions. Based upon the survey responses by Dutch IT decision makers, a hierarchy exist in these fourteen factors. Also, this research suggest a relationship between outsourcing decision factors and the sourcing models. Additionally, outsourcing objectives seem to influence this relationship.

On this publication contributed

  • Pascal Ravesteijn | Professor | Process innovation and information systems
    Pascal Ravesteijn
    • Professor
    • Research group: Process Innovation and Information Systems

Language English
Published in Journal of Higher education Theiry and practice vol
Year and volume 19 3
Key words IT outsourcing, Higher education
Page range 99-117

Process Innovation and Information Systems