Design and Implementation of Business Process Management Education

Authors Pascal Ravesteijn, Johan Versendaal
Published in Key Competencies in the Knowledge Society
Publication date 20 September 2010
Type Lecture


From the article This paper describes a joint effort by two educational and scientific institutes, the HU University of Applied Sciences and Utrecht University, in designing a BPM course that not only transfers theoretical knowledge but lets students also experience real life BPM-systems and implementation issues. We also describe the implementation of the developed module with an indication of its success: it is now running for the fifth time, and although there continue to be points for improvement, over the years several scientific papers in the BPM domain resulted from the course, as well as a reasonable amount of students started their final thesis project in the BPM-domain.

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On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in Key Competencies in the Knowledge Society
Key words BPM, Education, Design, Implementation
Page range 310-321

Pascal Ravesteijn

Pascal Ravesteijn | Professor | Process innovation and information systems

Pascal Ravesteijn

  • Professor
  • Research group: Process Innovation and Information Systems