Design of a website for home modifications for older persons with dementia

Authors J. van Hoof, H.S.M. Kort
Published in Technology and Disability
Publication date 2014
Type Article


At present, persons with dementia and their family caregivers in the Netherlands are not adequately supported to modify their dwellings to match their personal needs. To facilitate aging-in-place for persons with dementia, a website was designed. The website was designed with persons with dementia and their spouses. In consultation sessions existing websites were discussed. Based on this discussion, a demonstration website was created and then discussed with and judged by the participants. Visits to the website were monitored using Google Analytics.

On this publication contributed

  • Helianthe Kort | Professor | Research group Technology for Healthcare Innovations
    H.S.M. Kort
    • Professor
    • Research group: Technology for Healthcare Innovations

Language English
Published in Technology and Disability

Helianthe Kort

Helianthe Kort | Professor | Research group Technology for Healthcare Innovations

Helianthe Kort

  • Professor
  • Research group: Technology for Healthcare Innovations
