Dutch Nurses’ Willingness to Use Home Telehealth

Authors Thijs van Houwelingen, Ansam Barakat, Ryan Best, Walter Boot, Neil Charness, Helianthe Kort
Published in Journal of Gerontological Nursing
Publication date 10 December 2014
Type Article


Home telehealth (HT) refers to the use of videoconferencing to provide care to patients remotely and can help older adults age in place. However, these technologies are unlikely to impact care unless health care providers are motivated to use them. Education may play a key role in increasing motivation to use and competence regarding HT. To help guide the development of nursing education to facilitate adoption and use, the current study examined predictors of Dutch nurses’ willingness to use HT, based on a survey of 67 Dutch nurses with and 126 without HT experience. Nurses’ willingness to use this technology was predicted by HT’s (a) perceived usefulness to the client, (b) effort expectancy, (c) social influence, and (d) cost expectations. These observed relationships are anticipated to help with the development of effective educational programs to increase HT use and, therefore, improve older adults’ quality of life.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in Journal of Gerontological Nursing
Year and volume 41 4
Page range 47-56

Thijs van Houwelingen

Thijs van Houwelingen

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Technology for Healthcare Innovations