Exploring posters as a probing tool to engage nurses in a development process

Authors Danielle Vossebeld, Remko van der Lugt, Marieke Schuurmans
Publication date 6 September 2018
Research groups Co-design
Type Lecture


from the article: "In this paper, we explore the characteristics of posters as an efficient and effective probing tool for hospital nurse participation in the development of processes, services or products. The main challenge in this respect is the limited time and attention available to nurses during their work shifts. For this, we analysed the design and effectiveness of posters from earlier projects and used existing knowledge on probing for preliminary guidelines focused on design elements, context of placement, and fit with work process. We then designed a poster for gathering insights during nurses’ work shifts into their administrative tasks and perceived relevance. To evaluate, this table poster design was consecutively placed on three nursing units in a Dutch hospital. Activities of nurses with the poster and necessary interventions were analysed and used for further insights into the characteristics of effective posters for this specific target group. The research raised new questions about how best to elicit nurses’ participation during work shifts."

On this publication contributed

Language English
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-1-84387-421-8
Key words nurse, design probe, participatory design

Danielle Vossebeld

Danielle Vossebeld | Researcher | Lectoraat Co-Design

Danielle Vossebeld

  • Researcher
  • Research groups: Co-design, Smart Systems for Healthy Living