Healthcare workers’ expectations of the Dyna-Form SMARTresponse application (HESA): A qualitative study

Authors J. Slob, C.T.M. van Houwelingen, H.S.M. Kort
Published in Gerontechnology Journal
Publication date 2022
Research groups Technology for Healthcare Innovations
Type Lecture


The transformation in the global demography and the shortages of healthcare workers requires innovation and efficiency in healthcare. The Dyna-Form SMARTresponse application is an example of Digital Technology, the application can be linked to a Mercury Advance Hybrid Mattress (Direct Healthcare Group, 2019). The goal of this application is to reduce the risk of pressure injuries by notifying healthcare workers about patient, often older people, non-movement. Digital Technology has been studied comprehensively and according to previous research there is a mismatch between the available Digital Technology and the adoption of Digital Technology (Mathijssen et al., 2020). Currently it is unclear whether the Dyna-Form SMARTresponse application can adequately support healthcare workers in their daily practice. Consequently, a generic qualitative study investigating the expectations of healthcare workers of the Dyna-Form SMARTresponse application linked to the Mercury Advance mattress is needed.

On this publication contributed

  • C.T.M. van Houwelingen
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Technology for Healthcare Innovations
  • Helianthe Kort | Professor | Research group Technology for Healthcare Innovations
    H.S.M. Kort
    • Professor
    • Research group: Technology for Healthcare Innovations

Language English
Published in Gerontechnology Journal
Key words digital technology, pressure injury, health care professionals
Digital Object Identifier 10.4017/gt.2022.21.s.618.opp3
Page range 1-1

Technology for Healthcare Innovations