How Digital Leadership competences and IT Capabilities affect an organization's ability to digitally transform and adopt new technologies

Authors Melissa Brunner, Gabriel Gonzalez-Castañé, Pascal Ravesteijn
Published in Conference Proceedings 2021
Publication date 18 October 2021
Research groups Process Innovation and Information Systems
Type Lecture


Although much research has been done into the importance of IT Capabilities (ITC), Digital Leadership (DL) and Digital Transformation (DT) with regard to organizations’ firm performance and ability to thrive in the current digital market, there is little research on qualifying which specific ITC and DL competences affect the success of an organization's DT and ultimately impact their ability to adopt newly emerging technologies. This research aims to address the influence of DL and ITC on DT as well as which specific DL competences and ITC might ultimately affect an organization’s ability to successfully adopt newly emerging digital technologies. Quantitative data collected through a survey was used for this analysis. It was found that Architecture Design (DLA5) has the strongest positive affect on DT.

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On this publication contributed

  • Pascal Ravesteijn | Professor | Process innovation and information systems
    Pascal Ravesteijn
    • Professor
    • Research group: Process Innovation and Information Systems

Language English
Published in Conference Proceedings 2021
Year and volume 30 4
Key words IT Capabilities, Digital Leadership, Digital Transformation, e-Competence Framework
Page range 139-156

Process Innovation and Information Systems