How trained volunteers can improve the quality of hospital care for older patients. A qualitative evaluation within the Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP)

Authors Bas Steunenberg
Published in Geriatric Nursing
Publication date 2016
Research groups Innovation in Healthcare Processes in Pharmacology
Type Article


Full text beschikbaar met HU-account. The aim of this study was to investigate, using a mixed-methods design, the added value of a trained Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) volunteer to the quality of hospital care in the Netherlands. The trained volunteers daily stimulate older patients, at risk of a delirium, to eat, to drink, and to exercise, and they provide walking assistance and cognitive stimulation. This study showed that each group appreciated the extra attention and service from the volunteers. The positive effect on feelings of loneliness during the hospital stay was an unexpected outcome. The volunteers themselves appreciated their work. In conclusion, a HELP volunteer should be provided to every older hospital patient

Language English
Published in Geriatric Nursing
Year and volume 37 6
Page range 458-463

Bas Steunenberg

Innovation in Healthcare Processes in Pharmacology