NDT-competence of nurses caring for patients with stroke

Authors M.H.F. Grypdonck, Thóra Hafsteinsdóttir
Published in Journal of Neuroscience Nursing
Publication date 2004
Type Article


NeuroDevelopmental Treatment (NDT) is the most used rehabilitation approach in the treatment of patients with stroke in the Western world today, despite the lack of evidence for its efficacy. The aim of this study was to conduct an intervention check and measure the nurses' competence, in positioning stroke patients according to the NDT approach. The sample consisted of 144 nurses in six neurological wards who were observed while positioning stroke patients according to the NDT approach. The nurses' combined mean competence scores within the wards was 195 (70%) of 280 (100%) possible, and for each ward the mean score varied between 181 (65%) and 206 (74%). This study indicates that nurses working in hospitals where the NDT approach has been implemented have the knowledge and skills to provide NDT nursing.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in Journal of Neuroscience Nursing
Year and volume 36 5
Key words Neurodevopmental Treatment, stroke, nurses
Page range 289-294
