Physical fitness and physical behavior in (wheelchair-using) youth with spina bifida

Authors Manon Bloemen
Publication date 2017
Research groups Lifestyle and Health
Type Doctoral Thesis


In this thesis we analyzed clinimetric measurement properties of physical fitness tests in wheelchair-using youth with SB. Furthermore, the amount of physical behavior in wheelchair-using youth with SB was quantified and associations with age, gender, VO2peak and Hoffer classification were evaluated. Finally, we described the factors associated with physical behavior in youth with SB and youth with physical disabilities, after which the evidence of interventions to improve physical behavior in youth with physical disabilities was analyzed. This last chapter presents the theoretical and clinical implications. At the end, methodological considerations and directions for further research will be discussed after which the overall conclusion is presented.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Key words spina bifida, fysieke fitheid, Kinderen, pubers, adolescenten, rolstoelgebonden

Manon Bloemen

Manon Bloemen

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Lifestyle and Health