Prevalence of use of erectile dysfunction medication by Dutch military personnel between 2003 and 2012

Authors D.G.A. Janssen, E. (Eric) Vermetten, T.C.G. Egberts, Rob Heerdink
Published in International Journal of Impotence Research
Publication date 2017
Research groups Innovation in Healthcare Processes in Pharmacology
Type Article


From the website of the publisher: "Use of ED medication can be seen as a marker for ED. ED is associated with increasing age, exposure to traumatic events and physical injuries in military veterans. The objective of this study was to assess the prevalence of use of ED medication in Dutch military personnel in the period 2003–2012 and to assess its association with age and psychotropic medication use. Data on dispensing of ED medication, age and co-medication with psychotropic medication of all Dutch military personnel between 2003 and 2012 were collected. The prevalence of ED medication use in each year was estimated, stratified for age and use of psychotropic medication. The number of ED medication users increased a hundredfold from 0.09 to 9.29 per 1000 per year between 2003 and 2012. ED medication was more often used by men over 40 than under 40 (prevalence in 2012: 2.4% vs 0.2%, OR (2003–2012, adjusted for calendar year) 15.6, 95% CI 13.5–17.9) and by men using psychotropic medication (prevalence in 2012: 3.8% vs 0.9%, OR (2003–2012, adjusted for calendar year) 3.13, 95% CI 2.66–3.67). This study shows a strong increase between 2003 and 2012 in a number of ED medication users in male Dutch military personnel. ED medication use increases with age and with psychotropic medication use."

On this publication contributed

  • Rob Heerdink | Professor | Research group Innovation in Healthcare Processes in Pharmacology
    Rob Heerdink
    • Professor
    • Research group: Innovation in Healthcare Processes in Pharmacology

Language English
Published in International Journal of Impotence Research
Key words erectile dysfunction medication
Page range 54-56

Innovation in Healthcare Processes in Pharmacology