Resilient refurbishment, An assessment model for future-proof housing renovation

Authors Henk Brinksma, Vincent Gruis
Published in Proceedings
Publication date 13 May 2014
Type Lecture


This article deals with the question how renovate the houses in the Netherlands with taking into account the future need for modifications.

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On this publication contributed

  • Henk Brinksma | Researcher | Researh group New Energy in the City
    Henk Brinksma
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Applied Urban Energy Transition

Language English
Published in Proceedings
Key words Renovation

Henk Brinksma

Henk Brinksma | Researcher | Researh group New Energy in the City

Henk Brinksma

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Applied Urban Energy Transition