Sustainability in Project Management

Authors Gilbert Silvius, Julia Planko, Ron Schipper, Jasper van den Brink, Adri Köhler
Publication date 2012
Type Book


‘Panta rhei’ was the immortal wisdom, spoken over 2,500 years ago by the Greek philosopher Herakleitos. ‘Everything flows’; everything changes and nothing remains the same. More than ever, this is true for the competitive environment of many organizations. Whether resulting from technological progress, new regulations, globalizing economy or inventive competitors, new developments change the marketplace every day. Organizations are continuously reacting to these changes, or anticipating new ones, by introducing new products and services, improving business processes, changing resources, expanding their activities or discarding obsolete activities. Selecting the right changes and organizing and managing them in an effective and efficient way is, for many organizations, a critical success factor for business agility and continuous success. Many of these changes are managed as projects: unique efforts that require the mobilization of resources of different disciplines, capabilities and organizational units. Project management is developing into the key organizational skill in order to execute these changes in a controlled manner

On this publication contributed

  • Julia Planko | Researcher | Research group Building Future Cities
    Julia Planko
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Building Future Cities

Language English

Julia Planko

Julia Planko | Researcher | Research group Building Future Cities

Julia Planko

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Building Future Cities
