Touchpoints: designerly perspectives on persuasion

Authors Jelle van Dijk, Remko van der Lugt, Sander Mulder
Published in Conference paper CARPE
Publication date 2013
Type Lecture


Our approach builds on both the design traditions of participatory design and embodiment. We attempt to connect these traditions to the existing body of knowledge on persuasion. First we describe some basic theoretical concepts and infer how they influence persuasive design. Then we present a basic framework with which we intend to address the different abstraction layers involved. Finally, we discuss the principal differences and meeting areas between the disciplines of design and communication, ending up with some considerations for a persuasion toolbox that is intended to help communication professionals and designers effectively design behavior change interventions that fit the messy lives of people in the real world

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in Conference paper CARPE
