Transdisciplinary designer-scientist collaboration in child oncology

Authors Remko van der Lugt, Aeltsje Brinksma, Matthijs Roumen, Fenne Verhoeven
Published in Proceedings
Publication date 18 May 2015
Research groups Co-design
Type Lecture


Integrating knowledge and expertise from designers and scientists proposes solutions to complex problems in a flexible and open-minded way. However, little insight is available in how this collaboration works. Therefore, we reflected on a research project aimed at supportive care interventions for child oncology, and detected barriers and enablers for effective designer scientist collaboration. We interviewed medical scientists (n=2), designers (n=5), health care professionals (n=2), design students (n=3), and one design innovation-expert. Enablers appeared a receptive attitude towards innovation, and shared terminology facilitated by participatory design tools, internal communication means, and common goals. Largest barrier was unstable team membership. Future collaborative research projects might benefit when preventing barriers and stimulating enablers.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in Proceedings
Key words designers, scientists, collaboration
Page range 262-269

Remko van der Lugt