Cristina Chisalita

Cristina Chisalita

Teacher Creative Business
Psychologist with great passion for supporting people in their personal growth. Experienced teacher, researcher, coach, and consultant with expertise in a diversity of topics: identity (organizational & personal), organizational culture and change, leadership development, positive psychology & appreciative inquiry, mindfulness & non-violent communication, communities of practice, Human-computer interaction, culture & the design process.



  • 2022: Mindfulness training advanced – (ongoing), Radboud University Nijmegen
  • 2021: Mindfulness training fundamentals, Radboud University Nijmegen
  • 2021: Non-violent communication training (fundamentals and advanced), Connecting2life, Amsterdam
  • 2012-2013: Post-Master Appreciative Inquiry Consulting, Instituut voor InterventieKunde Amsterdam
  • 2001-2006: Ph.D. Human Computer Interaction, Free University Amsterdam (VU)
  • 1996-2000: Psychotherapy, Existential Analysis, Romanian Association for Existential Analysis and Logotherapy, Cluj-Napoca
  • 1997-1998: Master in Work and Organisational Psychology, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
  • 1992-1997: Bachelor in Psychology, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Work experience

  • 2015-ongoing: Lecturer Creative Business, HU
  • 2016-2017: Domain coordinator (Culture), ICM, HU: contributing to the change in the department profile, from ICM to CB
  • 2012-2015: Lecturer Organisation Science, Department of Culture, Organization and management, Faculty of Social Sciences, Free University Amsterdam
  • 2011-2014: Organisational consultant, freelancer and collaborator Dehora Consultancy Group, Amsterdam
  • 2012: Lecturer Organisational Psychology, Roosevelt Academy, Utrecht university
  • 2008-2010: Senior Consultant, Human Capital, Deloitte Amsterdam
  • 2006-2008: Assistant Professor Human resources development, Department of Behavioural Sciences, Twente University, Enschede
  • 2001-2006: Assistant in Education, Computer Science department, Free University Amsterdam (VU)
  • 1999-2001: Researcher Organisational Psychology, Babes-Bolyai university, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Work activities

  • Teaching
    • Regular CB curriculum:
      • Humanities (developed the first version of the course)
      • Human-centred design
      • Global creative strategy
      • Professional identity
    • Minors
      • Media Psychology Minor: Cognitive psychology
      • Mindfulness Minor:
        • Fundamentals of Mindfulness
        • Mindful communication 2
    • Honours program (HU-wide)
      • STARting Honours (developed the course)
      • Global Professionals
      • Positive Psychology (developed the course)
  • Supervision
    • GA and Work placement supervisor
  • Coaching
    • HU revision room (HU-wide): Coaching for delayed students
  • Leading
    • Domain coordinator (Culture)

Fields of expertise

At the moment:

  • Minors:
    • Media Minor: Cognitive psychology
    • Mindfulness Minor
      • Fundamentals of Mindfulness
      • Mindful communication 2
  • Honours programme (HU-wide):
    • STARting Honours
    • Global Professionals
    • Positive Psychology
  • HU revision room (HU-wide): Coaching for delayed students

Also taught for several years in the CB regular curriculum:

  • Humanities (developed the first version of the course)
  • Human-centred design
  • Global creative strategy
  • Professional identity

Research themes

  • Positive psychology interventions in organisations
  • Organisational identity (analysis and implementation)
  • Organisational culture and change
  • Organisational and leadership development (HRD)
  • Culture and technology use & design
  • Design tools (e.g. scenarios) + design process (e.g. GTA, affordances, moments of significance)
Project title Culture and technology design. European project Scalex, carried out in collaboration with UVA, Museum of Future Linz (Austria), Technical Museum Vienna (Austria) and C3, Budapest (Hungary)
Keywords National and organisational cultural values, museum experience, technology design
Years of completion 2004
General project description Part of the SCALEX project which had as goal the development of an application for museums to support the user (visitor) experience.
Your Role in project Researcher

Other recent projects

  • Appreciation & Perspective, 2021, HU, Utrecht, Project lead & Researcher.
  • Organisational identity analysis and implementation in a small IT consultancy company. 2015. The Netherlands. Researcher & consultant.
  • Organisational identity analysis and implementation in a medium size health institution. 2013. The Netherlands. Researcher & consultant.
  • Evaluation research and implementation of a competency-based performance management system in a large technical company. 2012. Romania. Researcher & consultant.
  • QuickScan for workforce optimisation. 2011. Romania. Project lead & researcher.
  • Evaluation study of the partner profit differentiation system for a large consultancy company, 2008, The Netherlands. Project lead & researcher
  • The influence of culture on the use of information technology in a large financial public organization, 2004. The Netherlands. Project lead & researcher.
  • The influence of context on the use of information technology in organization: the case of the Intranet system in bankshops. 2003. The Netherlands and Romania. Project lead and Researcher.

Key publications

Scholarly publications

  • Vyas, D., Chisalita, C.M., and Dix, A. (2017). Organizational affordances: a structuration theory approach to affordances. Interacting with Computers 29 (2) 117-131.
  • Veenswijk, M. and Chisalita, C. (2011). Unravelling power dynamics in Communities of Practice. In: E. Bueno and O. Rivera (eds.) Handbook of Research on Communities of Practice for Organizational Management and Networking, (pp.70-82), IGI Global, Pennsylvania.
  • Tan, E., Chisalita, C., Oinonen, K., & Raijmakers, B. (2008). Learning and entertainment in museums: towards a new equilibrium? In P. Ludes (Ed.), Convergence and fragmentation (91-110). Intellect.
  • Veenswijk, M., & Chisalita, C. (2007). The importance of power and ideology in communities of practice: the case of a de-marginalized user interface design team in a failing multi-national design company. Information technology & people, 20(1), 32-52.
  • Chisalita, C. (2006). Understanding technology use in the public sector: A Structuration Theory perspective with a focus on emerging meanings. Intervention Research. Vol. 2, no. 1-2, 91-111.
  • Jones, P. H., Chisalita, C., van der Veer, G. C. (2005). Cognition, technology and work: special issue on collaboration in context: cognitive and organizational artefacts. Cognition, Technology and Work 7(2), 70-75.
  • Chisalita, C., Puerta Melguizo, M. C., Hoorn, J.F, van der Veer, G. C. & Kok, E. (2005): Cultural differences in user groups: a multi-angle understanding of IT use in large organizations. Cognition, Technology and Work 7 (2), 101-110.
  • Dix, A., Chisalita, C. & van der Veer, G. C. (2003). Moments of Significance - the meanings of event: enablement, initiation, completion. Tamodia Universal Access in HCI, Volume 4 of Proceedings of HCI International 2003. C. Stephandis (ed.). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1519-1523.
  • Dormann, C., & Chisalita, C. (2002). Cultural values in web site design. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics ECCE11.


  • 2021: Certificate Mindfulness trainer (fundamentals), Radboud University Nijmegen
  • 2021: Certificate Course designer in Higher Education – basic level
  • 2020: Certificate Teacher in Higher Education – senior level
  • 2016: Certificate Assessment in Higher Education – basic level
  • 2016: Certificate IELTS (8), British Language Center Amsterdam
  • 2013: Certificate Post-Master Appreciative Inquiry Consulting, Instituut voor InterventieKunde Amsterdam
  • 2006: Certificate Dutch language: Staatsexamen NT2, UVA
  • 2006: Diploma Ph.D. Human Computer Interaction, Free University Amsterdam
  • 2000: European certificate of Psychotherapy, Existential Analysis, Romanian Association for Existential Analysis and Logotherapy, Cluj-Napoca
  • 1998: Diploma Master in Work and Organizational Psychology, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania
  • 1997: Diploma Bachelor in Psychology, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania