Evaluation of the methodological guidelines regarding clients in organized crime

Societal concerns about organized crime increase. The tendency of increasing organized crime also affects (the work of) probation officers and probation work is risky in case of some clients. Therefore, several years ago, the Dutch probation developed a special approach regarding clients in organized crime (BCC) who pose an explicit safety risk for probation officers. 


This research aims at exploring the experiences of probation officers regarding BCC-clients as well as the way how they signal potential BCC-clients. In addition, the experiences regarding the methodological and safety guidelines of the BCC-approach will be evaluated. 


The research aims at exploring the knowledge and experience of probation officers regarding BCC-clients and the BCC-approach, in order to formulate recommendations regarding the BCC-approach of the Dutch probation service. 


01 November 2022 - 31 July 2023


  • A literature review on indicators of organized crime and safety guidelines
  • A survey regarding the knowledge of probation officers of clients in organized crime and the way they signal and assist (potential) BCC-clients
  • Interviews with professionals specialized in working with clients in organized crime on methodological guidelines
  • A focus group on the implications of the results for working with clients in organized crime

HU researchers involved in the research

  • Jacqueline Bosker
    • Professor
    • Research group: Working with Mandated Clients
  • Vivienne de Vogel | Professor | Working with Mandated Clients
    Vivienne de Vogel
    • Professor
    • Research group: Working with Mandated Clients
  • Gercoline van Beek | Researcher / PhD candidate | Working with Mandated Clients and Debt and Debt Collection
    Gercoline van Beek
    • Researcher
    • Research groups: Working with Mandated Clients, Debt and Debt Collection, Living and Wellbeing

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Gercoline van Beek | Researcher / PhD candidate | Working with Mandated Clients and Debt and Debt Collection

Gercoline van Beek

  • Researcher
  • Research groups: Debt and Debt Collection, Living and Wellbeing, Working with Mandated Clients