Practicing urban sports in public spaces

The municipalities Stichtse Vecht and Utrecht want to provide in practicing Urban Sports in the public place in ‘Zuilense Vecht’, which borders on both municipalities. Together with professionals and local youth, the software-programming for Urban Sports in Zuilense Vecht is given substance.


The ultimate goal is to deliver advice regarding software for Zuilense Vecht. Furthermore, it is important to secure knowledge and methods regarding the developmental process of this software, as an example for future urban sports parks.


Body of knowledge on specific recommendations regarding the software programming of Zuilense Vecht for sports, youth, and social work. Body of knowledge through a blueprint in which process and methods, in relation to specific recommendations for programming on an urban sports park, can be facilitated.


01 March 2022 - 28 February 2023


Project has two phases. Phase 1 concerns learning from previous experiences of developmental processes of software regarding different urban sports parks, through interviews with professionals. Phase 2 concerns co-design sessions with both municipalities, professionals and youth present.

Participation of youth

In this project efforts are made to ensure participation of youth (8-14 yrs) in shaping the software programming. Specifically, wants and needs of girls are taken into account. 

HU researchers involved in the research


The project provides knowledge about cross-municipal partnerships. Furthermore, knowledge is gained regarding programming unorganized sports. Through this, knowledge and yields regarding Zuilense Vecht could be used at more locations.

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