A process model on changing design practice

Authors Berit Godfroij
Publication date 2021
Research groups Co-design
Type Lecture


Industrial design practice has broadened from designing (mass-)products towards more open, complex, dynamic, and networked design. Organizations are increasingly hire design professionals and turn their attention towards design as an important capability that can help them generate innovation and improve business outcomes. Organizing design beyond organizations is becoming an interdisciplinary collaboration process rather than a design creation process. This has brought change for industrial designers with regards to the design process and the application of methods. By means of process research methods, this study addresses the question ‘how does an industrial design process evolve in a broadening field of design practice?’. Based on theoretical interpretation of an empirical narrative that tells the story of a design project in healthcare, this paper provides understanding in the messy and complex progression in design processes, and unstable and unpredictable dynamics. It works towards a process innovation model that fits contemporary roles for industrial designers who are adapting their ways of working in novel design challenges.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Key words industrial design, design practice

Berit Godfroij

Berit Godfroij | Researcher | Co-design research group

Berit Godfroij

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Co-design