A worldview dialogical approach as normative professionalisation

Authors Edwin van der Zande, Cok Bakker
Published in Taking position: Empirical studies and theoretical reflections on Religious Education and worldview
Publication date 2017
Research groups Value-oriented Professionalisation
Type Book


In: Heimbrock, H. (Ed.). (2016). Taking position: Empirical studies and theoretical reflections on Religious Education and worldview. Waxmann.

On this publication contributed

  • Edwin van der Zande | Researcher | Research group Value-oriented Professionalisation
    Edwin van der Zande
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Value-oriented Professionalisation
  • Cok Bakker lector NP
    Cok Bakker
    • Professor
    • Research group: Value-oriented Professionalisation

Language English
Published in Taking position: Empirical studies and theoretical reflections on Religious Education and worldview
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-3830935766
Key words normative professionalisation
Page range 197-216

Edwin van der Zande

Edwin van der Zande | Researcher | Research group Value-oriented Professionalisation

Edwin van der Zande

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Value-oriented Professionalisation