Crisis Entrepreneurs and Hidden Crises

Authors Cees van Woerkum, dr. Annette Klarenbeek
Published in Conference proceedings
Publication date 8 July 2012
Research groups Communication in Digital Transition
Type Lecture


We examine the ways in which a hidden crisis can be exposed from a communication point of view. In which way can organisations create general awareness of a crisis and try to understand the dynamic nature of interactions? With the help of discourse analysis, we have examined the interactional achievements of two crisis entrepreneurs in the domain of education in the Netherlands: a rector of a secondary school and the founders of BON, a social movement aimed at improving the quality of education. In this way, we will illustrate the discursive practices that play an active role when certain players signal a crisis.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in Conference proceedings
Key words crisiscommunicatie, crisismanagement, discourse analyse, wageningen universiteit, lectoraat crossmediale communicatie in het publieke domein
Page range 138-145

Annette Klarenbeek

Annette Klarenbeek

  • Professor
  • Research group: Communication in Digital Transition
