Democracy and deradicalisation programmes: should a government be allowed to intervene in pre- or non-violent radicalisation?

Authors Anke van Gorp
Publication date 16 October 2013
Type Report


Full text via link. Human rights safeguard that individuals can develop their ideas and identity undisturbed by government or governmental agencies. With regard to radicalisation, adopting radical ideas is not a crime. Some crimes, such as hate-speech and ideological violence, are associated with radicalisation, but when individuals or groups only develop ideas without committing crimes there is no legal ground or justification for intervening.

On this publication contributed

  • Anke van Gorp | Researcher | Knowledge analysis societal security
    Anke van Gorp
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Public health and public safety

Language English
Key words radicalisation, human rights

Anke van Gorp

Anke van Gorp | Researcher | Knowledge analysis societal security

Anke van Gorp

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Public health and public safety