E-health business model dynamics in long term care: case studies in the Dutch market

Authors Hein Roelfsema, Roderick Udo, Helianthe Kort
Published in Conference proceedings
Publication date 2012
Type Lecture


Full text via link One of the most important drivers of change in the health care sector is the desire of elderly people to age in place. The growing use of internet applications and communication technology together with innovations in buildings have created new commercial opportunities to cater the demands of elderly to grow old in their home environment. Many of these opportunities are facilitated by institutional changes like deregulation and privatization, and benefit from globalization, for example trough stronger incentives for innovation and domestic implementation of ideas that arise in foreign markets

On this publication contributed

  • Roderick Udo | Researcher | Financial-Economic Advice in Innovation
    Roderick Udo
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Financial-Economic Advice in Innovation
  • Helianthe Kort | Professor | Research group Technology for Healthcare Innovations
    Helianthe Kort
    • Professor
    • Research group: Technology for Healthcare Innovations

Language English
Published in Conference proceedings

Helianthe Kort

Helianthe Kort | Professor | Research group Technology for Healthcare Innovations

Helianthe Kort

  • Professor
  • Research group: Technology for Healthcare Innovations
