Ethical and legal concerns

Authors Anke van Gorp
Publication date 18 October 2013
Type Report


Full text via link. Project objectives Radicalisation research leads to ethical and legal questions and issues. These issues need to be addressed in way that helps the project progress in ethically and legally acceptable manner. Description of Work The legal analysis in SAFIRE addressed questions such as which behaviour associated with radicalisation is criminal behaviour. The ethical issues were addressed throughout the project in close cooperation between the ethicists and the researchers using a method called ethical parallel research. Results A legal analysis was made about criminal law and radicalisation. During the project lively discussionswere held in the research team about ethical issues. An ethical justification for interventions in radicalisation processes has been written. With regard to research ethics: An indirect informed consent procedure for interviews with (former) radicals has been designed. Practical guidelines to prevent obtaining information that could lead to indirect identification of respondents were developed.

On this publication contributed

  • Anke van Gorp | Researcher | Knowledge analysis societal security
    Anke van Gorp
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Public health and public safety

Language English
Key words radicalisation, criminal law, ethical issues, legal issues

Anke van Gorp

Anke van Gorp | Researcher | Knowledge analysis societal security

Anke van Gorp

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Public health and public safety