Ethical considerations of Augmented Reality in High-Tech manufacturing

Authors Sander van der Hoek, Pascal Ravesteijn, Marlies van Steenbergen
Published in Conference Proceedings 36th Bled eConference
Publication date 25 June 2023
Research groups Digital Ethics, Process Innovation and Information Systems
Type Article


The use of Augmented Reality (AR) in industry is growing rapidly, driven by benefits such as efficiency gains and ability to overcome physical boundaries. Existing studies stress the need to take stakeholder values into account in the design process. In this study the impact of AR on stakeholders' values is investigated by conducting focus groups and interviews, using value sensitive design as a framework. Significant impacts were found on the values of safety, accuracy, privacy, helpfulness and autonomy. Twenty practical design choices to mitigate potential negative impact emerged from the study.

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On this publication contributed

  • Pascal Ravesteijn | Professor | Process innovation and information systems
    Pascal Ravesteijn
    • Professor
    • Research group: Process Innovation and Information Systems

Language English
Published in Conference Proceedings 36th Bled eConference
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-961-286-751-5
Key words augmented reality, mixed reality, OHMD, human values, value sensitive design, industry 4.0
Digital Object Identifier 10.18690/um.fov.4.2023
Page range 349-362
