Fostering subject teachers' integrated language teaching in technical vocational education

Authors Elly Wildeman, Maaike Koopman, Douwe Beijaard
Published in Teaching and Teacher Education
Publication date 2022
Research groups Vocational Education
Type Article


This study reports on a Professional Development Program (PDP) designed to raise teachers' subject specific language awareness (TSLA) as a relevant and specific element of their practical knowledge and improve their language integrated teaching behaviour. The design of the PDP was based on the interconnected model of teacher professional growth (Clarke & Hollingsworth, 2002). Data were collected using semi-structured interviews, classroom observations, and video-stimulated interviews. The PDP resulted in change in both teachers' subject-specific language awareness and related teaching behaviour. Teachers' sense of responsibility to address students' language learning appeared to be relevant for teachers' change of behaviour.

On this publication contributed

  • Maaike Koopman | Researcher
    Maaike Koopman
    • Researcher
    • Research groups: Vocational Education, Working in Education

Language English
Published in Teaching and Teacher Education
Key words integrated language teaching, professional development, teachers' subject-specific language awareness, teachers' practical knowledge, teacher behaviour, vocational education
Digital Object Identifier 10.1016/j.tate.2021.103626

Vocational Education