Identifying changes in international business undergraduates’ conceptual understanding

Authors Sue Ashley, Harmen Schaap, Elly de Bruijn
Published in Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Publication date 2021
Research groups Vocational Education
Type Article


Higher professional education aims to prepare students for professional practice, for which students will need to develop conceptual understanding. Conceptual understanding requires a synthesis of relevant facts, theories and practices. This research explores what types of change take place in students’ conceptual understanding during a bachelor course. Forty-four senior international business majors in the Netherlands wrote expository essays at the beginning and end of a 14-week course. A rubric was used to grade the essays on six components of conceptual understanding using a 5-point scale. Results indicated five types of change: regressive, minor, modest, substantial and major. The most significant increases in conceptual understanding appeared to relate to context-specific or conceptual knowledge. Results also indicated that individual students’ conceptual understanding changed in different ways, with improvements in some components and deterioration in others, particularly global context. Discussion includes suggestions to account for the different types of change, and curricular implications.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Year and volume 65 7
Key words conceptual understanding development, expository essays, higher professional education, international business, international education, rubric
Digital Object Identifier 10.1080/00313831.2020.1851761
Page range 1295-1308

Sue Ashley