Illness perceptions and activity limitations in osteoarthritis of the knee: a case report in intervention study

Authors Jan Pool, Edwin de Raaij, Harriët Wittink, François Maissan
Published in Manual Therapy
Publication date 2013
Research groups Lifestyle and Health
Type Article


This case report describes the process and outcome of an intervention where illness perceptions (IPs) were targeted in order to reduce limitations in daily activities. The patient was a 45-year-old woman diagnosed with posttraumatic secondary osteoarthritis of the lateral patella-femoral cartilage of the right knee. At baseline, the patient reported maladaptive IPs on the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire Dutch Language Version and limitations in walking stairs, cycling and walking. Fewer limitations in daily activities are hypothesized by changing maladaptive IPs into more favourable IPs. In this case report, discussing maladaptive IPs with the patient was the main intervention. A participatory decision making model was used as a design by which the maladaptive IP were discussed. Six out of eight maladaptive IPs changed favourably and there was a clinically relevant decrease in limitations of daily activities. The Global Perceived Effect was rated as much improved

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in Manual Therapy
Year and volume 2013 september

Jan Pool
