Internet-Generation Nursing Students' View of Technology-Based Health Care

Authors Thijs van Houwelingen, Roelof Ettema, Helianthe Kort, Olle Ten Cate
Published in Journal of Nursing Education
Publication date 6 December 2017
Research groups Technology for Healthcare Innovations
Type Article


Today's nursing school applicants are considered “digital natives.” This study investigated students' views of new health care technologies. In a cross-sectional survey among first-year nursing students, 23 common nursing activities and five telehealth nursing activities were presented along with three statements: “I consider this a core task of nursing,” “I look forward to becoming trained in this task,” and “I think I will do very well in performing this task.”

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in Journal of Nursing Education
Year and volume 56 12
Page range 717-724

Thijs van Houwelingen

Thijs van Houwelingen

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Technology for Healthcare Innovations