Maturity of Operational Procurement in the Construction Industry: A Business/IT-Alignment Perspective

Authors Xiaochun Xing, Marjan vanden Akker, Johna Versendaal, Bastiaan De Bevere
Published in BLED 2011 Proceedings
Publication date 12 June 2011
Research groups Digital Ethics
Type Lecture


From the article: "Project execution in the construction industry faces major challenges, e.g. difficulty in coordination and cooperation. Operational procurement during project execution is no exception. In this paper we construct a maturity model, based on earlier work, consisting of six dimensions (goal, control, process, organization, information, technology) and five maturity stages (transactional-oriented, commercial-oriented, coordination, internal-optimized, external-optimized). The model can be used to determine the level of procurement maturity for each of the dimensions, and for the determination of a strategy for growth in the construction industry. With input from a major construction firm in the Netherlands, through simulating tooling, the model is evaluated for its contribution to growth in operational excellence. Results of the simulation show support for a relation between maturity growth and increased operational excellence." Recommended Citation Xing, Xiaochun; Versendaal, Johan; van den Akker, Marjan; and De Bevere, Bastiaan, "Maturity of Operational Procurement in the Construction Industry: A Business/IT-Alignment Perspective" (2011). BLED 2011 Proceedings. Paper 22. Affiliation: Xing Xiaochun - Swets Information Services, Netherlands; Johan Versendaal - Utrecht University, Netherlands; HU University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands; Marjan van den Akker - Utrecht University, Netherlands; Bastiaan De Bevere - Ballast Nedam, Netherlands.

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Language English
Published in BLED 2011 Proceedings
Year and volume 24 paper 22
Key words Organisatie van bouwen, Management of construction, Procurement, Business / IT-Alignment, Simulation

Johan Versendaal
