Software Architecture Patterns for System Administration Support

Authors Wiebe Wiersema, Christian Köppe, Roland Bijvank
Published in Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
Publication date 13 October 2013
Research groups Artificial Intelligence
Type Lecture


Many quality aspects of software systems are addressed in the existing literature on software architecture patterns. But the aspect of system administration seems to be a bit overlooked, even though it is an important aspect too. In this work we present three software architecture patterns that, when applied by software architects, support the work of system administrators: PROVIDE AN ADMINISTRATION API, SINGLE FILE LOCATION, and CENTRALIZED SYSTEM LOGGING. PROVIDE AN ADMINISTRATION API should solve problems encountered when trying to automate administration tasks. The SINGLE FILE LOCATION pattern should help system administrators to find the files of an application in one (hierarchical) place. CENTRALIZED SYSTEM LOGGING is useful to prevent coming up with several logging formats and locations. Abstract provided by the authors. Published in PLoP '13: Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs ACM.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in Proceedings of the 20th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs
Key words Software Architectures, Design Patterns

Roland Bijvank

Roland Bijvank

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence