The Best Practice Unit: a model for learning, research and development

Authors Jean Pierre Wilken, Sascha van Gijzel, Carla van Slagmaat
Published in Journal of Social Intervention: Theory and Practice
Publication date 2013
Type Article


The Best Practice Unit (BPU) model constitutes a unique form of practice-based research. A variant of the Community of Practice model developed by Wenger, McDermott and Snyder (2002), the BPU has the specific aim of improving professional practice by combining innovation and research. The model is used as a way of working by a group of professionals, researchers and other relevant individuals, who over a period of one to two years, work together towards a desired improvement. The model is characterized by interaction between individual and collective learning processes, the development of new or improved working methods, and the implementation of these methods in daily practice. Multiple knowledge resources are used, including experiential knowledge, professional knowledge and scientific knowledge. The research serves diverse purposes: articulating tacit knowledge, documenting learning and innovation processes, systematically describing the working methods that have been revealed or developed, and evaluating the efficacy of the new methods. Each BPU is supported by a facilitator, whose main task is to optimize learning processes. An analysis of ten different BPUs in different professional fields shows that this is a successful model. The article describes the methodology and results of this study.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in Journal of Social Intervention: Theory and Practice
Year and volume Volume 22 Issue 2,
Page range 131-148

Jean-Pierre Wilken

Jean Pierre Wilken | Professor | Participation, Care and Support

Jean-Pierre Wilken

  • Professor
  • Research group: Participation, Care and Support