The Ethical Matrix in Digital Innovation Projects in Higher Education

Authors Esther van der Stappen, Marlies van Steenbergen
Publication date 28 June 2020
Research groups Digital Ethics
Type Lecture


Higher educational institutions incorporate projects into their curricula, in which students, together with educators, researchers and professionals from practice, try to find solutions for real, societal problems, to develop relevant skills. Because such solutions are increasingly digital with high impact on society, ethical responsibility is an important part of these skills. In this study, we analyze two cases of digital innovation projects in higher education in which the concept of the Ethical Matrix is adapted and integrated in a Value Sensitive Design approach and applied by educators (case 1) and by students (case 2). We find that an adapted version of the Ethical Matrix supports educators and students in taking values of different types of stakeholders into account which leads to different design choices.

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Language English
Key words Value Sensitive Design, Ethical Matrix, Digital Innovation, Higher Education

Esther van der Stappen