To create added value of smart home technology in small scale senior accommodations

Authors Emelieke Huisman, Hans Duits, Helianthe Kort, Gerrit-Jan Lanting
Published in L. Azevedo, P. Encarnação & G.J. Gelderblom (Eds.), Assistive technology : from research to practice
Publication date 2013
Type Book


Smart home technology has been introduced as a potential solution to support ageing in place, to enhance the quality of life of residents, or to decrease the workload of professionals. The ability of smart home technology is to monitor the activity of daily living and safety of residents. The aim of this study is to get insight into the use of smart home technology and implementation in healthcare facilities. Preliminary results show that healthcare facilities have become aware of the added value of smart home technology in small scale senior accommodations to enhance the quality of care and to contribute to the quality of life of residents. Further research is needed to explore how smart home technology contribute to the quality of life and how it influence the workload of professionals.

On this publication contributed

  • Emelieke Huisman | Researcher | Research group Technology for healthcare innovations
    Emelieke Huisman
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Technology for Healthcare Innovations
  • Helianthe Kort | Professor | Research group Technology for Healthcare Innovations
    Helianthe Kort
    • Professor
    • Research group: Technology for Healthcare Innovations

Language English
Published in L. Azevedo, P. Encarnação & G.J. Gelderblom (Eds.), Assistive technology : from research to practice
Page range 1235-1240