Towards tailored medication self-management

Authors Boudewijn Visscher
Publication date 2023
Research groups Innovation in Healthcare Processes in Pharmacology
Type Doctoral Thesis


Europe’s aging population is leading to a growing number of people affected by chronic disease, which will continue over the coming decades. Healthcare systems are under pressure to deliver appropriate care, partly due to the burden imposed on their limited financial and human resources by the growing number of people with (multiple) chronic diseases. Therefore, there is a strong call for patient self-management to meet these patients’ healthcare needs. While many patients experience medication self-management as difficult, it poses additional challenges for people with limited health literacy. This thesis aims to explore the needs of patients with a chronic disease and limited health literacy regarding medication self-management and how support for medication self-management can be tailored to those needs.

On this publication contributed

  • Boudewijn Visscher | Researcher | Research group Innovation in Healthcare Processes in Pharmacology
    Boudewijn Visscher
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Innovation in Healthcare Processes in Pharmacology

Language English
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-94-6458-980-1
Key words health literacy, farmacotherapy, chronic disease

Boudewijn Visscher

Boudewijn Visscher | Researcher | Research group Innovation in Healthcare Processes in Pharmacology

Boudewijn Visscher

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Innovation in Healthcare Processes in Pharmacology