Gardy van Gils MEd (1966) has been working as a researcher in the Research group Deaf Studies since November 2007. Within this Research group, Van Gils performs PhD research at Utrecht University and gives lectures and workshops about being deaf, working as a sign language interpreter and deaf culture.
Van Gils’s doctoral research project ‘Promotieonderzoek naar de sociale identiteit van jong volwassen dove en slechthorende gebarentaalgebruikers in Nederland’ (‘Doctoral research into the social identity of young adult users of sign language who are deaf or hard of hearing in the Netherlands’) focuses on a generation of deaf people who – in contrast with earlier generations – learned to use sign language from an early age. It seeks to determine how this group sees itself and positions itself in society. Her thesis supervisor is Prof. Paul Verweel, Utrecht University.
Fields of expertise
- Deaf culture
- Sign language interpreters
- Dutch Sign Language (NGT)