Jeannette Kunst | Researcher | Research group Literacy

Jeannette Kunst


Sinds 2007 is Jeannette (1964) werkzaam bij het lectoraat Geletterdheid. Zij heeft daar onderzoek gedaan naar de relatie tussen leesmotivatie en lezen. Daarnaast begeleidt Jeannette veel scholen bij hun schoolontwikkeling.

The projects ‘LIST’, ‘DENK!’ (‘THINK!’) and ‘Doelgericht werken aan opbrengsten’ (‘Targeted approach to output’) are school development projects that can be implemented at individual schools or school groups. These projects focus on factors that can be influenced by either the school, the teacher or the pupils.

Relevant work experience

  • 2003 - present: Lecturer for the Seminarium for Orthopedagogics (MEN, Post-HPE; coordinator of minor in Dyslexia; school supervisor PO, SBO and SO; LIST, DENK! and Doelgericht werken aan opbrengsten projects; and school development)
  • 2007 - 2017: Researcher for the Research group Literacy
  • 1983 - 2007: Lecturer and internal supervisor for (special) primary education

Fields of expertise

  • Literacy
  • Teacher behaviour
  • School development


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