Maarten Meijer


Since 2023, Maarten Meijer has been working at Utrecht University of Applied Sciences as a geo-data researcher within the research group "New Energy in the City." He focuses on data-driven decision-making for a circular, bio-based, and nature-inclusive energy transition in the housing stock. 

Maarten Meijer is a biologist by training. He studied Biology and Bio-Inspired Innovation at Utrecht University and took additional courses in Industrial Ecology at Leiden University and TU Delft. He combined fieldwork in the high Andes of Bolivia with satellite research and designed a carbon footprinting tool for an ecological water purification system. Over time, using spatial analysis for the green built environment became a central focus of his studies. 

"Nature will carry on, but it’s a shame how little we preserve. Sustainability and biodiversity are about survival and making money, but also about a sense of fulfillment. "

Maarten is committed to a sustainable, integrated energy transition of the housing stock; energy-producing, circular, bio-based, and nature-inclusive. Maarten uses spatial analyses and computer vision for data-driven decision making and matching renovation methods with the appropriate housing types. 


  • GIS, remote sensing, open data 
  • Ecology, biodiversity 
  • Sustainability analytics, industrial ecology