Mirjam Gademan | Lecturer, Supervision Expert, Researcher | Participation, Care and Support

Mirjam Gademan


Mirjam Gademan (1961) was a social worker in various positions within youth services for 16 years. She has been affiliated as a lecturer/trainer with HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht since 2000.

In 2009, in addition to her role as lecturer in the part-time Social Work degree programme, she assumed a position with the Research group Participation, Care and Support, where she supervises the development processes of social professionals in the field. Mirjam is also a facilitator for various development workshops, and co-organises the meetings of the knowledge platform Utrecht Sociaal.

Fields of expertise

  • Supervision expert client-oriented work
  • Facilitator development workshops
  • Trainer motivational conversation and moral deliberation.

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Mirjam Gademan | Lecturer, Supervision Expert, Researcher | Participation, Care and Support

Mirjam Gademan

  • Researcher
  • Research group: Participation, Care and Support