Oliver Greiner | researcher

Oliver Greiner


Oliver Greiner worked in business for a number of years after studying German language and literature at Utrecht University. He has been a lecturer in German since 2001.

Due to his vast experience in secondary education, including eight years at the Werkplaats Kindergemeenschap in Bilthoven, Oliver has extensive expertise in putting educational innovation into practice and translating theoretical concepts into vision and mission statements, and then converting this into practical teaching methods in (school) practice.

He has been working at the Archimedes Institute for the German degree programme since 2014. As curriculum manager, he is the driving force behind the renewal of the German teacher-training master's programme.

Within the research group, he is currently preparing a PLG project with the provisional title “Randvoorwaarden voor duurzaam doeltaalgebruik in het voortgezet onderwijs” (“Preconditions for sustainable target language use in secondary education”).

Fields of expertise

  • Foreign Language Education
  • Professionalisation of lecturers
  • Curriculum design

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