Patricia Wijntuin studied Development Studies at Radboud University Nijmegen. Ever since she began with her studies, Patricia has been interested in young people and their place in society. Her doctoral research is the logical follow-up to her interests. In 2019 she completed her dissertation at Raboud University Nijmegen, entitled ‘Mijn buurt is leuk en gezellig!’ (‘My neighborhood is nice and cozy!’), which was a study into the significance of the neighbourhood for Moroccan-Dutch youth in disadvantaged neighbourhoods.
During her doctoral research, Patricia was a lecturer at the Social Work Institute, and a municipal councillor for the political party GroenLinks in the municipality of Utrecht. She has been working at Utrecht University since 2015, at the Utrecht School of Public Administration and Organisation Science.
Patricia is interested in the way in which space & place form the actions and interactions of people and structures, with a special focus on ethnicity and gender. In 2018, she was the project leader responsible for the design and implementation of research into women working during their menopause, which was carried out at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht. She began with a follow-up study in September 2019. She will also be starting as a Postdoc at the Research group Organising Decent Work. With her Postdoc position, she will be also be preparing a study into the practice salons of black hairdressers.
Fields of expertise
- Diversity in management and organisations
- Qualitative research
- Moroccan-Dutch youth