Proud to Teach All

ProuD to Teach All advises teachers on inclusive education.

ProuD to Teach All ('ProuD') is an ambitious transnational project for supporting teachers and school leaders to effectively work with learners from a variety of backgrounds and with a range of learning differences. It is funded by the European Commission Erasmus+ programme.

Kids hand doing schoolwork


‘ProuD’ has four goals which serve to enhance teacher professionalism towards inclusion and greater “pride for all”:

  • to investigate professional development strategies that are effective, feasible and replicable to make teachers eager to learn to teach all learners;
  • to devise an accessible online inspiration centre that engages teachers to use evidence-based resources so that they feel able to teach all learners;  
  • to strengthen teachers’ interprofessional collaboration skills in inclusive networks within, between and beyond schools so that they feel stronger to teach all learners;
  • to enhance the coaching skills of experienced teachers, school leaders and other senior educational professionals to enable them to lead professional learning communities or PLCs that are #ProuDtoTeachAll learners.


A website is created: Proud To Teach All with

  • An inspiration centre for teachers
  • A guide for coaches
  • A professional development package
  • Research and policy recommendations


10 January 2020 - 31 August 2023


International cooperation with teachers and schools.
As part of ‘ProuD to Teach All’ teachers from five European countries (Belgium, Latvia, Portugal, Netherlands and the UK) are engaging in professional learning activities related to inclusion.

Their reflections are based on classroom practice, and the perspectives of young people and their families.
The project also involves collaboration between schools and universities in the partnership, to establish innovative resources, and unique approaches to “teaching all”.



Made possible thanks to co-funding of Erasmus+

HU researcher involved in the research

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