A conceptual understanding of collaborative platforms peer-to-peer interaction experiences

Authors André F. Durão, Xander Lub
Published in Handbook on Tourism and Social Media
Publication date 2022
Research groups Organisations in Digital Transition
Type Book


This paper's main goal is to shed a conceptual light on the hospitality perspective regarding online peer-to-peer interactions and present the collaborative paradigm of the online communication approach to elucidate hospitable online interactions on collaborative platforms. We believe that hospitable actions may be performed online through communication and that its perceived experience occurs mainly before and during the accommodation itself, influencing the overall experience. This paper aims to contribute to the current literature, by proposing a conceptual understanding of online hospitality and its potential experiences based on perceived peer-to-peer collaborative consumption interactions.

On this publication contributed

  • Xander Lub
    Xander Lub
    • Professor
    • Research group: Organisations in Digital Transition

Language English
Published in Handbook on Tourism and Social Media
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:9781800371408
Key words online hospitality
Digital Object Identifier 10.4337/9781800371415.00025
Page range 212-226
