Education at the boundary of school and work

Authors Ilya Zitter, Elly de Bruijn, Erica Bouw
Publication date September 2018
Research groups Vocational Education
Type Lecture


Posterbijdrage conferentie EARLI SIG 14, 11-14 september 2018, Genève Vocational educators seek to create learning environments that afford students to learn across the contexts of school and work (Bronkhorst & Akkerman, 2016; Zitter, Hoeve, & de Bruijn, 2016). Although in practice a wide variety of such environments exists, their distinctive characteristics are yet to be identified. A review study (Bouw, Zitter, & De Bruijn, 2016) has shown that a theoretical categorization of learning environment designs can be made on the basis of their design rationale and considerations about designable elements. Three categories of learning environment designs emerged from the reviewed studies: designs based on connection, designs based on incorporation and designs based on hybridization. However, empirical evidence is needed to substantiate these insights. A multiple case study in Dutch vocational education was conducted to find such empirical evidence.

On this publication contributed

  • Ilya Zitter
    Ilya Zitter
    • Professor
    • Research group: Vocational Education
  • Erica Bouw
    • Researcher
    • Research group: Vocational Education

Language English
Key words learning environments, learning environment designs, vocational education

Ilya Zitter

Ilya Zitter

Ilya Zitter

  • Professor
  • Research group: Vocational Education