Given the circumstances

Authors Martine Ganzevles, Wilma Numans
Published in Book of Abstracts & Program Book 6th European Conference for Social Work Research (ECSWR) 2016
Publication date 2016
Research groups Research Competence
Type Lecture


Presentation at the 6th European Conference for Social Work Research (ECSWR) 2016. As of September 2013, the Research Group Applied Research Methodology at HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht helps researchers to optimise their research methods for practice-oriented research. This presentation introduces the main elements of a PhD study on methodology in the field of Social Work by one of the research group members. The preliminary results of another PhD study are presented as an example on how to involve citizens, in particular vulnerable target groups in a SW-research design (Wilma Numans: science practitioner at Tranzo/Tilburg University - The Academic Collaborative Center Social Work). After a general introduction of the research outlines, all participants will be invited to share ideas and engage in a plenary discussion regarding the context, purpose and methods of the intended study.

On this publication contributed

Language English
Published in Book of Abstracts & Program Book 6th European Conference for Social Work Research (ECSWR) 2016
ISBN/ISSN URN:ISBN:978-989-99486-2-4
Key words practice-oriented research, balance rigor and relevance, research design, intrinsic research motives, practitioners’ participation, user participation / user led research, PhD research
Page range 209-209

Martine Ganzevles